Reflective campsite guylines-Cow Horn Pane for Lantern or Hornbook

Style Unsorted Sorted for Clearness

We have been searching for years for a translucent horn pane to use in lanterns and horn books. We've found it! These panes are just under 3" wide and about 4-3/8" tall and a little over a 1/16 of an inch thick. They fit our FL-3 Barn lanterns perfectly. Each one is a little different and some may have some white on the pane but they are mostly clear horn.

If you would like the clearest panes, please select the "sorted for clearness" option. These panes will still have flaws but will be the clearest we have available.  

When used in lanterns they are light weight and virtually unbreakable. Sold individually. Imported from India.

Item # S-3075

and "Sorted for Clearness" #HP-3076